Brother Tranquility

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Zombie Human

Brother Tranquility
File:Brother tranquility zombie.png
Release date 6 March 2007 (Update)
Race Undead
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Yes - The Great Brain Robbery
Location Mos'Le Harmless
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine He's looked healthier.
Notable features Zombie monk.
His chathead as zombie.
His chathead as zombie.
Brother Tranquility
As human
Release date 6 March 2007 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Yes - The Great Brain Robbery
Location Mos'Le Harmless
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine Much holier than thou.
Brother Tranquility's chathead.
Brother Tranquility's chathead.

Brother Tranquility is a zombie monk from Harmony Island. Players must talk to him to start The Great Brain Robbery quest. Should players attempt to start the quest without the levels required to complete the quest, Brother Tranquility will simply reply stating that the player does not have the levels required.

He stays inside the Harmony Island's windmill during the whole quest, first reason being the Zombie pirates walking outside, second being the sleeping gas enveloping the whole island. At this point, Brother Tranquility asks the player to find a book in the Monastery to repel the effects of the gas outside the windmill. Later, he asks the help of a surgeon to transplant the brains in the real bodies, adding the presence of Dr. Fenkenstrain in the quest. Finally, his last request is to confront Mi-Gor, starting the fight against Barrelchest.

For those who have lost their Barrelchest anchor, they may talk to Brother Tranquility to get a broken anchor, which can then be fixed by Smith.

Note that the word tranquility can be spelled with a single or double 'l'. In this case Jagex has used single, whereas for the name of the quest Garden of Tranquillity they used double.

He also has a small role in the Rocking Out quest.

The first time when he takes you to Harmony Island, your character says "Don't hit me", which is a reference to Pirate Pete hitting the player over the head for transportation.

Brother Tranquility is a follower of Saradomin.


  • Brother Tranquility has written a book named 'My Life as a Zombie: Bringing the Word to the Island of Harmony', which is present in any bookcase in the Abbey of St. Elspeth Citharede.
