- Note: The calculations below use real-time market prices. For more information, see Grand Exchange Market Watch.
- Current Grand Exchange price per gold bar costs: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins
- Current Grand Exchange price per silver bar costs: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins
Item Gem price High alchemy/GE Profit/loss per ring Crafting XP Profit or loss per XP Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line
- Note the prices are based on selling on the GE rather than Hi-alching.
Item Gem price High alchemy/GE Profit/loss per amulet Crafting XP Profit or loss per XP Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line
- Note the prices are based on selling on the GE rather than Hi-alching. Includes the cost for a Ball of wool at the price of 302 coins each.
Item Gem price High alchemy/GE Profit/loss per bracelet Crafting XP Profit or loss per XP per bracelet Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line
- Note the prices are based on selling on the GE rather than Hi-alching.
Item Gem price High alchemy/GE Profit/loss per piece Crafting XP Profit or loss per XP Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line Template:Gem line
- Note the prices are based on selling on the GE rather than Hi-alching.
Item Experience Price Profit per XP Unstrung symbol 50 56
Unstrung emblem 50 140
Silver sickle 5 35
10 Silver bolts (unf) 50 20
Tiara 52.5 24