- The prices are real-time market prices. For further information, or to update outdated prices, see Grand Exchange Market Watch/Summoning.
Summoning pouches calculator aims to compute the profit (or loss) of making Summoning pouches of familiars. The calculator provides a comparison of the profits (or losses) based on the sale of pouches in the Grand Exchange, and the use of the High Level Alchemy spell.
- All tertiary components are bought in the Grand Exchange.
- Tertiary components marked with an asterisk (*) are non-tradeable, and are not included in the Total cost calculations.
- The pouches made are either: sold in the Grand Exchange, or "high-alched".
Total cost
The components that are taken in consideration are as follows:
- Empty pouch: 1 coin
- Spirit shards: 25 coins (each) - bought at Summoning shops, or traded with other players.
- Tertiary component: depending on current market prices (only applicable for tradeable items)
- The profit (or loss) is calculated by deducting the "Total cost" from:
- The gains for the sale of the familiar pouch in the Grand Exchange
- The gains from the High Level Alchemy spell on the pouch.
- The cost of Nature runes (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins) and Fire runes (Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins) used in the High Level Alchemy spell are not taken into consideration.
Summoning pouches
- By charm type
- By level