Orange salamander (Hunter)

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Orange Salamander
Level 47
Experience 224
Location Uzer Hunter Area
Trap Net trap
Preferred bait Marrentill tar
Retaliation No
Loot Orange salamander
Examine Slightly slimy but kind of cute.
A player catches an orange salamander

An Orange Salamander is a creature that can be caught using the Hunter skill. When caught, it becomes an Orange salamander weapon similar to a flamethrower which can use all three styles of combat.

Hunting orange salamanders

Orange salamanders are found in the Kharidian Desert, so the following equipment is recommended:

From Shantay Pass, head east then south and cross the bridge. Go east until you find the hunting grounds. Click on a Young Tree to set a trap.


Orange salamanders do not sell quickly or for much, so it is recommended that you catch and release the salamanders for faster hunter experience. If you wish to keep them, you will need to bank frequently.

If you have access to the Dominion Tower you should simply run to the bank in the tower, and then run back. This requires a Combat Level of at least 110, and a variety of quests.

For those who don't have access to the Tower, simply operate the broomstick to fly to the Sorceress's Garden, which is the closest place to a bank and to the Shantay Pass, where you can start your next run.

An alternative is to use the fairy ring just south of the Hunter area, code DLQ, and head north. This can also be used as a quick way to access facilities to refill waterskins and bank.

If you don't have an enchanted Broomstick or Ring of Duelling, and you're running out of waterskins and have a knife in your toolbelt, you can find and cut healthy cacti to refill your skins.

This may be dangerous to low level players due to the proximity to the Desert Lizards.

If you have access to the Lunar spellbook you could bring runes for Humidify - 68 Magic required - to fill up your waterskins.Template:Salamanders nl:Orange salamander (Hunter)