Ur-lun | |
Release date | 20 March 2007 (Update) |
Race | Dorgeshuun |
Members NPC? | Yes |
Quest NPC? | No |
Location | Dorgesh-Kaan |
Sells items? | No |
Gender | Male |
Examine | A respected member of the Dorgeshuun Council. |
Notable features | Member of the Dorgeshuun Council |
File:Ur-lun location.png |

Ur-Lun is a member of the Dorgeshuun Council. He can be found with Ur-Pel, another member of the Dorgeshuun Council. When you talk to him, he will be discussing the colour of the guard's uniforms. Your character will have the option to say that they have been there before, referring to Goblin Diplomacy, in which the goblin generals argue over which colour goblins are the best.