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Release date 22 May 2006 (Update)
Race Troll
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? No
Location Pinball random event
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine He looks flipping mad.
Flippa chathead
Flippa chathead

Flippa is one of two trolls wielding flippers in the pinball random event, along with Tilt. He was named after the part called a flipper on a real pinball machine. They will knock players back if they attempt to leave before scoring 10 points.

As revealed in one edition of Postbag from the hedge, he is named after the noise that the first thing he ate made, which was apparently one of three human wizards playing pinball, where one shouted "Tilt!" and the second shouted "no, Flippa!". Flippa obviously ate the second human, whilst his brother Tilt ate the first and their mother ate the third.


  • Along with the trolls north of Falador, these are the only trolls a F2P player will see.
