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This article is about the witch in Draynor Manor. For other uses, see Helda (disambiguation).
Release date 12 December 2006 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? Yes - Animal Magnetism
Location Draynor Manor
Sells items? No
Gender Female
Examine The hat's a dead giveaway.
Notable features Helps in Animal Magnetism

Helda, referred to in-game simply as Witch, is a non-player character who is involved with the Animal Magnetism Quest. She is located in the northwestern corner of Draynor Manor. During the quest, she tells you how to make a Bar magnet and selects an Iron bar that will be extra suitable for making into a magnet.

Her old graphic


  • Her cousin is Lensig.
  • It is revealed that the witch of Draynor Manor built her cottage out of bread, cookies and cake. She also used to fatten little kids and shove them into her oven (most likely a reference to the Grimm Brothers' fairy tale Hansel and Gretel). However, she has since been to "anger management classes." Player characters take offence to her somewhat patronizing tone, and she threatens to return to her old ways.
  • She and Lensig are the only free-to-play witches that are not involved in Swept Away.

See also
