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For the Summoning familiar, see Void spinner.

Spinners are creatures in Pest Control that appear as spinning tops or jellyfish, and float above the ground. They repair the Portal on the island and must be defeated if the portals are to be destroyed. It is therefore recommended that players kill the Spinners first before attacking the portal, especially if more than one Spinner is present. If the humans over power the portal and destroy it before the spinner can finish healing, it will begin to spin around and then explode hitting all players within a few squares with poison that does 50 life points instantly as it explodes and poisons starting at 18 LP thereafter. Their combat levels can be 37, 55, 74, 88, or 92. They are the top priority to kill around the portals. They can be attracted by archers to make destroying portals easier.

Level table

Level Life points Max hit Colour Novice Intermediate Veteran
36 330 51 White legs Yes No No
55 ? 66 Brown legs Yes Yes No
74 ? 81 Purple legs Yes Yes Yes
88 ? 90? Grey legs No Yes Yes
92 1010 96 Blue legs No Yes Yes
