Bearded Pollnivnian bandit

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Bearded Pollnivnian bandits are non-player characters that can be found in the northern part of Pollnivneach. Players are able to pickpocket them with a Thieving level of 45, yielding 40 coins and 65 Thieving experience. They can be knocked out using a blackjack after completing The Feud and having a thieving level of 30, doing so successfully allows you to pickpocket them, knocking out a bandit also grants 10 Thieving experience. If you fail to blackjack a bandit, you will take 50 life points, and the bandit will attack you. Bearded Pollnivnian Bandits wield blackjacks and are level 41. They should not be confused with their level 56 brethren, who wield steel scimitars. If you try talking to them after completing The Feud, they will attack you.


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Bones Bones 1 1 Always 105


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Coins 10–300 2 Common Not sold

fi:Bearded Pollnivnian bandit