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This article is about the monster. For the summoning pet, see Giant crab.
An unattackable small red crab
An unattackable small red crab

Crabs are found only in an undersea crab pen located in a Mogre Camp off of Port Khazard and in the Dragontooth Shipwreck off the coast of Dragontooth Island. Crabs can be killed for Crab meat, which is an ingredient of Cooked fishcake. They occasionally drop a Fresh crab claw or Fresh crab shell, which can be crafted into a Crab claw glove and Crab helmet, respectively.

The mogre camp area becomes available after beginning the Pirate Pete portion of the Recipe for Disaster quest. Players need to speak to Murphy in Port Khazard and have him fashion a Fishbowl (supplied by the player) into a Fishbowl helmet and Diving apparatus, after which he assists them to travel to the bottom of the sea. The Dragontooth Shipwreck requires reaching a certain point in the Rocking Out quest, and also requires wielding the necessary diving gear.

Smaller crabs can also be found on beaches around Gielinor, such as south of Port Sarim and on Mos Le'Harmless. Some of them are also on a small island with mermaids encountered in Deadliest Catch. These, however, are unattackable, and are essentially just scenery.


  • The examine info "Nobody likes crabs..." is a reference to the saying. "Crabs" is often used to refer to grouchy people.
  • There is a chance that when killing the bigger level 23 crabs that you will get a double drop of shells/claws.


100% drop

Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Crab meat 1 1 Always Not sold


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
File:Fresh crab claw.png Fresh crab claw 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
File:Fresh crab shell.png Fresh crab shell 1 3 Uncommon Not sold
Oyster Oyster 1–2 3 Uncommon 76–152
