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Boot the Dwarf
Release date 9 April 2002 (Update)
Race Dwarf
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? Family Crest
Location Dwarven Mines
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine A short and angry dwarf.
Boot the Dwarf
Boot the Dwarf

Boot the Dwarf is a dwarf found in the Dwarven Mines. He plays a small part in the Family Crest quest. The only thing he will do for players is tell them a story about the origin of his name. When he was young, he was so small that he slept in a boot. The player, however, rudely cuts him off before he can finish it.

Boot inhabits the area which used to be where Thordur sold the Disk of Returning for the former Black Hole Experience. Postbag from the Hedge No. 6 gives the reason that the Black Hole Experience was removed and Boot replaced Thordur.