Update:RS2 Bugfix Update
This official news post is copyrighted by Jagex. It is a direct quote from the RuneScape website.
This update was added on 17 March 2004.
This update was added on 17 March 2004.
Today we have fixed the following bugs
- Fixed: There was an area in the deep wilderness which didn't count as the wilderness
- Fixed: Unlocked tunes on the music player were relocking themselves
- Fixed: You could walk out into mid air from the tree gnome stronghold
- Fixed: Some fishing spots got stuck where you couldn't fish them on Karamja
- Fixed: You got poisoned opening the sinister key chest whether you drank a poison antidote beforehand or not
- Fixed: Monk's of Zamorak wouldn't stop you getting the wine of Zamorak
- Fixed: It was possible to get stuck on the trawler
- Fixed: It was possible to repeatedly do the shield of Arrav quest.
- Fixed: It was possible to repeatedly finish the waterfall quest