This update was added on 31 July 2006.
Fletchers and rangers are treated to a huge expansion to crossbows today. Use your Fletching, Smithing and Crafting skills to make yourself up to seven new crossbows and even more bolts. Tip your metal bolts with gems and use your magical abilities to enchant them for some pretty spectacular effects for combat against both monsters and other players. You can also smith yourself a grappling hook to make getting around that little bit easier - with a rope attached you can scale walls, cross rivers and climb cliffs if you have the agility and strength to do so.
Take a look at our Knowledge Base for specific information and talk to Hirko, Hura and Holoy, the crossbow salesdwarves who are located in Keldagrim, the pub under White Wolf Mountain and the Dwarven Mine. Hirko even has a useful way of storing all your new bolts so they don't take up too much of your precious bank space - for a price of course!
If you've completed the Knight's Sword quest you also have the option of Smithing yourself a beautiful blurite crossbow and bolts. Please note that blurite items and enchanted bolts are not tradeable.