Update:Easy Payment Options
This update was added on 9 September 2003.
We have had a lot of comments asking why don't we offer pay by cash methods for North Americans? Well, the answer is - we do! And not just for people living in North America.
Via our payment service provider PaybyCash we offer a whole range of different ways to pay.
One of the simplest is to pay via Western Union, all you need to do is click 'Subscribe' on our front page, log-in, and then select the PaybyCash option. Then you can choose to pay via Western Union or one of the other methods available.
For Western Union you simply fill in a form, take it to your nearest Western Union branch and pay cash over the counter. Western Union have over 150,000 counters worldwide, so there is almost certainly one near you! Paybycash will then process your payment as quickly as possible and email you confirmation. It's that easy!