Transcript:Ambassador Alvijar
Repeatable dialogue
Way of life
Ambassador Alvijar: I can't stand these goblins sometimes! I come up with suggestions to make their city more efficient, and they just say it would spoil their precious way of life!
Underground cities
Ambassador Alvijar: I miss Keldagrim. This city is all very well, but no one makes an underground city like the dwarves!
Goblin conflicts
Ambassador Alvijar: It's funny... whenever we dwarves have ventured onto the surface, we've found ourselves at war with the goblins there.
Ambassador Alvijar: But now we meet these goblins underground, and they're no threat at all. Maybe this will herald a change in our relations with the surface goblins as well.
Goblin trades
Ambassador Alvijar: Trade with the goblins is going well at the moment. It's a pity they don't seem as interested in our beer as in your food, though!
The train
Ambassador Alvijar: Thank you again for helping us complete the train link. Further delays would have cost the Consortium a lot of money.
Ambassador Alvijar: Oh, and I hear you saved someone's life as well. Well done on that count too.