Update:Official Live Streams – Bots and Micropayments
This update was added on 10 September 2012.
This Sunday, September 16th at 9pm (BST) we’ll be hosting our second live Q&A stream.
This week’s subject is Botting in RuneScape: a topic that many of you feel very strongly about. This weekend, RuneScape Lead Designer Mod Mark and Jagex CEO Mark Gerhard will be answering your questions about bots in RuneScape, what we’re doing to combat bots and - well - anything else bot-related you’d like to ask.
Submitting your questions before and during the stream is easy and you can find full details of how to do that on the dedicated thread.
Last night, we hosted a live stream dedicated to the subjects of Squeal of Fortune, Solomon’s Store and micropayments. If you missed it or want to watch it again, you’ll find it right now on our YouTube channel:
We hope to see you there!
Mod Jane RuneScape Team