Update:MCM - Live Event this Weekend
This update was added on 22 May 2012.
This weekend, we’re going to be at London’s comic con – MCMExpo at the Excel (Fri 25 – Sun 27 May). With just days to go, it’s time for a quick rundown of what you can expect to see from us at this year’s event.
On Friday, we’ve got developers Mod Chris L and Mod Ana stopping by to answer your developer questions. On Saturday, it’s the turn of Lead Designer Mod Mark who will be joined by Mod Chihiro and Mod Avatar. On Sunday, Senior Narrative Designer Mod Osborne will be joined by developer Mod Pi. All are veritable fountains of knowledge, so if you’ve a question about upcoming RuneScape content (including the Evolution of Combat!), make sure you come by and say hello.
Concept artist extraordinaire Mod GG will be in attendance all weekend, demonstrating his drawing talents as well as signing concept art. When GG’s not busy drawing, fansite maestros RuneZone will be demoing RuneScape and reporting back on the weekend’s events.
On Sunday at 11am, Mods Lord and Ian will be joined on stage by Mark Estale from OMUK for a panel. They’ll be explaining a little bit about adding voices to RuneScape (check out the Song from the Depths for a great example!) before immortalising the audience as they lend various grunts, groans and crowd noises to the upcoming Evolution of Combat.
I’ll be there too with an armful of exclusive t-shirts and merchandise, ready to heave them into the crowd, so, if free stuff is your thing, I recommend you start practicing your best jostling techniques!
We really hope to see you there, but if you can’t make it, RuneCast will be at MCM on Saturday, checking the event out and firing questions at the resident J-mods. So, if there’s a question you’d like VodkaB to ask on your behalf, send her an email to [email protected].
Want to share jostling techniques, ask a question about MCM or see if you won one of our MCM ticket give-away competitions? Check out the thread.
Paul M