Update:The Rio Carnival – Bring On The Dancers!
This update was added on 15 February 2012.
It’s party time in Rio! As people from around the world don their headdresses and masks in readiness for a week of Carnival madness, we’re getting in on the action with a week’s worth of Carnival flavour.

There are J-Mod hosted flash-mob parties aplenty, competitions, and - of course - what carnival could be complete without some suitably over-the-top-headgear? Getting your hands on the headgear couldn’t be easier. Come to a party or speak to Diango in Draynor Village to grab this exclusive holiday item. More information on the week’s carnival action can be found here.
Your Carnival headgear could also bag you some cool stuff from the RuneScape Store, in a competition that’s so easy to enter you’d have to be a bumbling party-pooper to miss it! Find full details on the competition here.
Finally, we’ve tested our flash-mob mechanics on our very own J-Mod guinea pigs. To see the results, watch this:

Viva o carnaval!
Mod Luiz