Update:Exclusive VIP Access for 8Realms
This official news post is copyrighted by Jagex. It is a direct quote from the RuneScape website.
This update was added on 21 December 2011.
This update was added on 21 December 2011.
For the last few months, our brothers and sisters in the 8Realms development team have been putting the finishing touches to a brand new Jagex game.
8Realms is a real-time strategy game that, with the help of your faithful assistant Gary, sees you take a group of simple subjects on a journey through progression and evolution; through 8 realms of time and into the future.
Many of you in our loyal RuneScape community have been following 8Realms throughout its development, so it's our pleasure to offer future rulers a chance to jump into the action by registering for a VIP access key on the website.
To get your VIP access key, go to www.8realms.com and register.
The RuneScape Team