Transcript:Phoenix eggling
Mean Phoenix eggling:
- Conversation 1:
- Player: How do you drop an egg six feet without breaking it?
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwark buwk bwark bwak, bwik bwuk. Bwark? (You are an expert on smashing eggs, so if anyone knows, it's you. How?)
- Player: Drop it SEVEN feet. It won't break for the first six!
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwark bark bwuk bwik bwurk. Bwuk bwark bwik bwarkwa. (You're an egg-icidal maniac, and that's not funny.)
- Conversation 2:
- Player: Wait a minute, where did you get a scar?
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwark bwik bwak bwark bwark? (You mean you don't remember?)
- Player: Remember what?
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwak bwik bwark, bwakwak bwarkark bwik bwak! (You did it, when you kicked my flipping egg in!)
- Player: Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about that.
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwark bwuk bwak... (You will be...)
- Player: ...
- Conversation 3:
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwark bwik bwak! (Gimme some ash!)
- Player: What's the magic word?
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwakwabwikbwakra! Bwak, bwark bwik bwak. (Abracadabra! Now, gimme some ash.)
- Player: Not with THAT attitude!
- Conversation 4:
- Player: Knock knock.
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwuku, bwark bwak bwik. Bwuk bwak? (Okay, I'll play along. Who's there?)
- Player: The yolk's on.
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwark bwuk bwak bwook? (The yolk's on who?)
- Player: The yolk's on YOU!
- 'Phoenix': (Will you please stop telling me eggling terrible jokes?)
- Player: Sorry!
- Phoenix Eggling: Bwuk bwark bwak bwik bwarkark! (Looks like the yolk's on you after all!)
Cute Phoenix Eggling:
- Conversation 1:
- Phoenix Eggling: Chip cheep chirrurp cheep? (Does you think me are cute?)
- Option 1:
- Player: Extremely cute!
- Phoenix Eggling: Chip chireep? Cheep chirrup cheep? (You mean it? You not just saying that?)
- Player: I mean it, I swear! Your cuteness makes a fluffy bunny look like the shaved rear end of a sheep.
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheep cheep chirp. (Me bet you says that to all the pets.)
- Option 2:
- Player: Sickeningly cute.
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheeeep?! (Whaaaaat?)
- Player: When I look at you, my heart is filled with sunshine. It sickens me.
- Phoenix Eggling: ... (...)
- Option 3:
- Player: Meh, you're quite cute I suppose.
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheeeep?! Chirrup cheeep?! (Whaaaaat? Only quite?)
- Player: I'm just not a cute kind of guy [or girl?].
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheep cheep chirrup cheep? (Why does you has me as a pet, then?)
- Player: To show off my uber summoning skill, which is [player's Summoning level], by the way.
- Phoenix Eggling: Chip chirreep cheep. (Me am a trophy pet.)
- Option 4:
- Player: Not all that cute.
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheeeep? (Whaaaaat?)
- Player: Look, you're nice and everything, I just don't think you're that cute.
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheeep chirp chirrup chip cheep, cheeep chereeep! CHEREEEEP! (Me don't care what you says, me are beautiful! BEAUTIFUL!)
- Option 5:
- Player: Not at all, and that's a good thing.
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheeeep? (Whaaaaat?)
- Player: You're a fiery bird who devours the burnt remains of my foes. While not cute, that is awesome!
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheeeep chip chirrup. (Yeeeeah. *The eggling eyes you suspiciously*)
- Option 1:
- Phoenix Eggling: Chip cheep chirrurp cheep? (Does you think me are cute?)
- Conversation 2:
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheep cheepy-chirp chir? (Can me has ashes?)
- Player: I'll get you some soon, I promise.
- Phoenix Eggling: Chirreeeeeeeeep! (Okaaaaaaaaaay!)
- Conversation 3:
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheep chirreep chirrup, cheep chip chirp? (What came first, chickens or eggs?)
- Player: Eggs.
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheereep? Cheep chip chireep chirup cheep? (Really? You knows the answer? For reals and for trues?)
- Player: Of course! Dragons were laying eggs long before chickens were on the scene.
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheep chip chirp chirrup. (That not what me meant.)
- Conversation 4:
- Phoenix Eggling: Cheep chirrup chirp cheerp. (You killed my mummy.)
- Player: I know. I'm sorry.
- Phoenix Eggling: Chirp chirrup cheep? Chirpy chip cheep chir! (Why am you sorry? You killed my mummy so she can has new life!)
- Player: Phew. I'm glad that's under the rug. That's one conversation I did NOT want to have.