Transcript:Spirit cobra
- Conversation 1
- Spirit cobra: Do we have to do thissss right now?
- Player: Yes, I'm afraid so.
- Spirit cobra: You are under my sssspell...
- Player: I will do as you ask...
- Spirit cobra: Do we have to do thissss right now?
- Player: Not at all, I had just finished!
- Conversation 2
- Spirit cobra: You are feeling ssssleepy...
- Player: I am feeling sssso ssssleepy...
- Spirit cobra: You will bring me lotssss of sssstuff!
- Player: What ssssort of sssstuff?
- Spirit cobra: What ssssort of sssstuff have you got?
- Player: All kindsss of sssstuff.
- Spirit cobra: Then just keep bringing sssstuff until I'm ssssatissssfied!
- Conversation 3
- Spirit cobra: I'm bored, do ssssomething to entertain me...
- Player: Errr, I'm not here to entertain you, you know.
- Spirit cobra: You will do as I assssk...
- Player: Your will is my command...
- Spirit cobra: I'm bored, do ssssomething to entertain me...
- Player: I'll dance for you!
- The player will actually perform the Dance emote at the beginning of this line.
- Conversation 4
- Spirit cobra: I am king of the world!
- Player: You know, I think there is a law against snakes being the king.
- Spirit cobra: My will is your command...
- Player: I am yours to command...
- Spirit cobra: I am king of the world!
- Player: All hail King Serpentor!
- With Ring of charos (a)
- Spirit cobra: You are under my power!
- Player: No, you are under my power!
- Spirit cobra: No, you are under my power!
- Player: No, my power is greater!
- Spirit cobra: Your power is the greater...
- Player: Your powers are no match for mine!
- Spirit cobra: You are convinced you have won this argument...
- Player: I won the argument...yay!
- Spirit cobra: *Manic serpentine laughter*