- Conversation
- Terrier: Yipyip yip yap yip yip! (Are we going shomeplache intereshting?)
- Player: Don't you think this place is interesting?
- Terrier: Yipyipyip yap yip yapyap. (It'sh hardly what i would call lively, thatsh fer shure.)
- Player: Well, we'll head out in a bit.
- Conversation 1
- Terrier: Yipyap yip yap yapyap yip yip? (Are we going to get shome shpecial equipment for thish misshion?)
- Player: I don't think I'll have to get anything special and, if I do, it won't be that hard to get a hold of.
- Terrier: Yipyap. (Shure, M. Just checking.)
- Conversation 2
- Terrier: Yap, yappity yap, yap? (Sho, what'sh the plan today, M?)
- Player: Why do you keep calling me 'M'?
- Terrier: Yapyap yapyap yip yap. ('M' ish for mishtress/mashter, of coarshe.)
- Player: Well, that makes sense.
- Conversation 3
- Terrier: Yipyip yap yap yap yapyapyap! (Quickly, letsh get moving. Time ish washting!)
- Player: Less haste, more speed!
- Terrier: Yipyip! Yip yip yap! (More hashte AND shpeed! Off we go!)
- Conversation 4
- Terrier: Arf arf yip yap yipyip yap? (How are we supposed to shave the world shtanding around here?)
- Player: We're sort of shaving..sorry saving the world, if you think about it.
- Terrier: Yapyap yip! (whatever you shay, M.)
- Conversation 5 (when Quest point cape is equipped or in inventory)
- Terrier: Yappy yappy yap yip yap! (Shaved the world again, M!)
- Player: Time to go home for tea and medals!
- Terrier: Yap yap! (Shurely!)