Update:You brought back the Wildy…now you can prove it!
This update was added on 18 February 2011.
You never cease to amaze me, and that’s never been truer than last month, when over 1 million of you took part in bringing back the Wilderness by voting for its return in our biggest-ever poll. We couldn’t have brought back the Wilderness without your votes and support, so, to celebrate the vital part you played in its return, we are creating a unique piece of art featuring the username of every single one of you who helped bring it back.
We plan to make this piece of art available for you to view on our website next Tuesday, so, from then, each time you tell someone that YOU helped bring back the Wilderness, you’ll be able to prove it!
Your 1 million names will be brought together to proudly state “We brought the Wilderness back!” and, so, if you voted for it, you will find your RuneScape name immortalised in this glorious tech art.
Being a part of RuneScape history is a big deal and it’s very likely that you’ll want to show your friends that you contributed to this great event. So, if you’re a Facebook user, you will be able to view the image on RuneScape.com, log in using your Facebook login details, zoom in on the artwork and ‘tag’ yourself!
Having never attempted anything like this before, it would be incredible if we could get everyone who voted to tag themselves on the image to show the world the power, strength and size of our fantastic community.