TzHaar language

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The TzHaar language is the tongue traditionally spoken by the TzHaar race. Although the TzHaar, when observed by the player, mostly speak in the common tongue, they have a language of their own that they have used for thousands of years. The TzHaar are unique in that, when they have children, their children already have all the knowledge of their parents. This means that they do not need to be taught the TzHaar language, and explains their ability to speak in the human tongue.

The language itself has not been translated fully, and as of yet only a small amount is known thanks to the translations of the Wise Old Man. It is important to note that, according to the Wise Old Man, "The key is to realise that TzHaar words are more about the emotion or passion behind the word than any kind of direct translation.".

The TzHaar language is used by players during the TokTz-Ket-Dill quest. Players are required a list of items required for the quest. Players were required to translate the TzHaar words using the TzHaar Tourist Guide obtained during the quest. This guide can be found in the Varrock Library, by talking to Reldo. After this quest, players may obtain the guide in their bookcase in the Player-owned houses.

As of yet, there is not nearly enough words translated from the TzHaar language to have a conversation or even speak entire sentences. It is mainly used by players to help themself understand what TzHaar say when they do not translate some of their phrases into "JalYt language". Most of the current knowledge consists of nouns, adjectives, and an extremely limited selection of verbs.

TzHaar numbering system

The numbering system used by the TzHaars was introduced during the TokTz-Ket-Dill quest. This is shown in the notes stuck to the inside cover of the TzHaar Tourist Guide.

The TzHaar count in a slightly different way from humans. The basis comes from their anatomy: they have 4 arms with 3 fingers on each, and this is reflected both by the base of twelve as well as how the numbers are written.

The human counting system has a base of ten, which means that we count from 0 to 9 before adding on a second digit, making 10. The TzHaar count from 1 to 12 before adding on the second digit. 0 is nothing to a TzHaar, and thus not included, resulting in a digit for 12 instead, which is normally not found in a base-12 system.

All numbers are collection of lines. The numbers are based on their four arms and three fingers, on each arm, and what is neccessary in order to count to a certain number is what the lines represent. For every hand that a TzHaar needs to use, one horizontal line is added. For every finger on the last hand that needs to be used, one vertical line is added. However, if all four hands are necessary, they make an X shape instead of four horizontal lines.

Examples of TzHaar numbers are in the note in the Tzhaar tourist guide.

TzHaar words

The TzHaar are usually happy to speak the human language, but sometimes it is useful to know the TzHaar language (especially during quests). TzHaar words are usually short and almost always end with a consonant (with the exception of E), even though it's not always fully pronounced.


These have been stated in game or by Jmods.

  • Ak - Forked, twin
  • E - It, the
  • Ek - Blade, knife
  • Em - Hammer, mace
  • Haar - Holy, sacred
  • Hur - Builder, crafter, sculptor, small
  • Im - Pickaxe
  • Jad - Elemental
  • Jal - Foreign; not TzHaar
  • Kal - victorious
  • Ket - Blunt, defender, guard, large
  • Kih - Air, fly, wing
  • Kl - Us, we
  • Kot - Protect, save
  • Kul - Token, value
  • Mej - Mage, magic, priest; also loosely translated as parent
  • Mor - old, retired
  • Om - Club, maul
  • Rek - Baby, young, youth
  • Tal - Rod, staff
  • Tok - Hard, material, rock, obsidian
  • Tz - Burn, fire, hot, life
  • Ul - Circle, ring
  • Xil - Dangerous, hunter, killer, sharp
  • Xo - Plus
  • Yt - Cold, dead, freeze, ice
  • Zek - Attack, harm
  • Zi - Minus
  • Zo - Ring


  • Dill - Armadillo
  • Hurt - Material, resource
  • Zuh - Storage, banker (likely for materials or trade goods as the NPC is TzHaar-Hur)
  • Gor - Hero, explorer or wanderer

TzHaar phrases

Some basic words can be combined into more complex words. Here are some examples:

  • JalYt - Outsider (literally, cold foreigner). Used to mean "Human" when speaking to the player character.
  • Mej-Tz-Kih - Magic firefly.
  • TokKul - TzHaar currency.
  • TzHaar - TzHaar species as a whole (literally, sacred life or fire)
  • Tz-Kih - A species of fairly common fiery bats living within the volcano.
  • TokTz - Obsidian (usually referring to objects and equipment).
  • Tok-Ket - A block of stone. Used in construction; sourced from their own mines.
  • TokJal-Hurt - A plank. Usually oak planks, treated to make them resistant to fire.
  • TokYt-Hurt - Metal. Usually mithril and adamantite, forged in their Lava forges.
  • Tok-Ket-Om - A maul or club made of any material.
  • Tok-Ket-Em - A hammer or mace of any kind.
  • Tok-Xil-Ek - A knife made of any material.
  • Tok-Xil-Im - A pickaxe of any kind.
  • Tok-Mej-Tal - A mystic's staff
  • Kimit-zil - Familiar or Follower
  • Kot kl, zek e JalYt! - Save us, attack the human!
  • TokHaar-Kal - Sacred-Rock of the victorious
  • YtHaar - Sacred-Cold, referring usually to human ("cold") heroes known to the TzHaar. Hence the title a player receives after completing the Elder Kiln quest is YtHaar.
  • Yt-MejKot - A TzHaar warrior priest. This is possibly a misnomer as 'Yt' refers to something which is cold, contradicting both the model's appearance and lore. However, it could also be a relative use of the word, as in "colder," as these appear to be a type of armoured lizard and not obsidian.


  • The language was used during the TokTz-Ket-Dill and The Elder Kiln quests.
  • When attacking the lowest level of the TzHaar, TzHaar-Mej will usually yell out their name and attack the player. Although they will not attack a player outside of a 5 space radius of the Tzhaar-Hur.
  • The TzHaar refer to you as "JalYt/YtHaar-Your caste-Your display name."
  • The title YtHaar is gained after completion of the Elder Kiln.

See also