Membership 14 days trial

Jagex now offers a free membership trial to free-to-play players who have created a new account in 2012. The trial lasts for 14 days. Players can choose "Activate my trial!" or "I am not ready yet."while logging in. There is no need to connect a credit card to access the trial, however, one must activate it within 14 days of receiving it. If one tries to activate the trial after these 14 days have passed, they will receive an error.
New accounts registered in 2012 and onward are automatically eligible for free membership trial. The Jagex will send email to your registered email. Only new email address can obtain the trial.
Accounts that registered before 2012 cannot obtain the trial unless they have not registered their e-mail yet.
The number of objects you can buy and sell in the trial is limited to 50. Accounts registered before 2012 that were selected, however, can buy items according to the standard buy limits.
Trial members can receive any value of items, but can only give away a maximum of 25 000 gold.

Trial members can only have no more than 300 noted items of the same kind in inventory. This rule does not apply in following cases: Claiming from the Grand Exchange, Stackable items, Bringing noted and unnoted items at the same time (contributing to 327 plus 1 equipped at max), All free-to-play items, or Similar items (e.g. Bronze knife and Bronze knife(p) are different)