From Darkan
(Redirected from Slayer calc)
template = Calculator:Template/Slayer form = slayerin result = slayerout param = monster|Monster assigned||select|aberrant spectres, abyssal demons, ankou, aquanites, banshees, basilisks, bats, bears, birds, black demons, black dragons, bloodvelds, blue dragons, brine rats, bronze dragons, catablepon, cave bugs, cave crawlers, cave horrors, cave slimes, cockatrices, cows, crawling hands, crocodiles, dagannoths, dark beasts, desert lizards, desert strykewyrms, dogs, dust devils, dwarves, earth warriors, elves, fever spiders, fire giants, flesh crawlers, gargoyles, ghosts, ghouls, goblins, goraks, greater demons, green dragons, grotworms, harpy bug swarms, hellhounds, hill giants, hobgoblins, ice giants, ice strykewyrms, ice warriors, infernal mages, icefiends, iron dragons, jellies, jungle horrors, jungle strykewyrms, kalphites, killerwatts, kurasks, lesser demons, living rock creatures, mature grotworms, minotaurs, mithril dragons, mogres, molanisks, monkeys, moss giants, mutated bloodvelds, mutated zygomites, nechryaels, ogres, otherworldly beings, pyrefiends, red dragons, rockslugs, scorpions, sea snakes, scabarites, shades, shadow warriors, skeletal wyverns, skeletons, spiders, spiritual mages, spiritual warriors, steel dragons, suqahs, terror dogs, trolls, turoth, tzhaar creatures, vampires, wall beasts, warped terrorbirds, warped tortoises, waterfiends, werewolves, wolves, young grotworms, zombies param = number|Number assigned||int|1-300
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