Miss Schism

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Miss Schism
Release date 23 August 2005 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? No
Location Draynor Village
Sells items? No
Gender Female
Examine A busy-body who loves a bit of gossip.
File:Miss Schism's location.png

Miss Schism is a lady who can be found in Draynor Village next to the Wise Old Man's house's window. She shares gossip and rumours with the player, particularly those about the Wise Old Man. She suspects that he was the person who robbed the Draynor Bank and killed all the guards, bankers, and witnesses. She plays a role in the court case, Miss Schism vs Draynor Village. She is accused of spreading rumours and lies that is interfering with an ongoing investigation on the wise old man bank robbery.

She is a member of the Draynor Manor Restoration Fund. She tells you how Draynor Manor is going to be turned into a Museum.

She also allows you to finish a Lumbridge and Draynor Task when the Wise Old Man is in Piscatoris Fishing Colony during Swan Song.


  • The word schism means a division between a group of people, possibly referring to the division that rumours and gossip can cause.
File:Miss Schism Task.png

fi:Miss Schism