Royale dwarf multicannon

The royale cannon is a cosmetically upgraded version of the gold dwarf multicannon, It adds gems and other cosmetic items to your dwarf multicannon, released on 8 March 2011.<ref>Update:Artisans Workshop</ref> In order to purchase the upgrade, players must participate in the Artisans Workshop until they have 100% respect, then speak to Elof with all four parts of a Gold dwarf multicannon in their inventory.
This upgrade cannot be applied to normal dwarf multicannons- players must first purchase the gold dwarf multicannon upgrade for 50% respect - effectively making the true cost of the royale cannon 150% respect. If a player starts at 0% respect and only spends the respect they earn on the cannon upgrades (Gold first, and ultimately Royale), using Grade I Iron ingots (which provide the cheapest experience) smithing Burial Armor, the Royale cannon will cost approximately 2,800,000gp. However, if the player uses Grade III Rune ingots (which provide the fastest experience) under the same circumstances, the Royale Cannon will cost approximately 99,100,000gp.

The royale cannon consists of:
- In the game guide, a picture of the royale cannon is captioned "Dwarves must use the metric system", which is a reference to an iconic scene from Pulp Fiction wherein the characters discuss how a "quarter-pounder with cheese" is called a "Royale with cheese" in France, and one asks if that's because France uses the metric system.
- All pieces of the cannon have an items kept on death value of 1 coin except for the base, which has a value of 187,500 coins, which is equal to the store price of a normal cannon from Nulodion.
- When placed on the ground and right clicked, the Royale cannon is called "gold dwarfcannon"
- While the upgrade was intended to be cosmetic only a glitch existed that allowed a royale cannon to be used in areas that do not allow cannons such as the Chaos Tunnels and Kuradal's Dungeon. This has been fixed in a hidden update.