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Remember: The RuneScape Wiki is not a crystal ball.

Template:Infobox City Template:Relativelocation Prifddinas is the greatest city of the elves, located just north of Tirannwn. Prifddinas is a word in the Welsh language which means "Capital City" and is pronounced 'Priv-thinass' (double d in Welsh being similarly to th).

It is the oldest surviving settlement in Gielinor. It is roughly 12,000 years old.[source needed]

The city cannot currently be accessed by players, but it will be after Mourning's Ends Part III, which is announced to be released in early 2014 along with the Elven Task Diary, tasks were confirmed at RuneFest and quest confirmed by Mod Mark on livestream about Future of Runescape. [source needed] Prifddinas is one of the few places that is displayed on the World Map but is inaccessible. The guard states that no one enters until the "brigands" are gone.

In the Postbag from the Hedge 28 Jagex released a player submission where the Wise Old Man has a plan to get into the elven city<ref>Postbag 28. Postbag from the Hedge. Jagex Games Studio. 2008-02-14. (Archived from the original on 2010-04-29.)*</ref>.


File:Prif north gate smaller.png
There is a gate into Prifddinas at the north side.

Prifddinas was built by the elves when they arrived in Gielinor through the World Gate in the First Age, when the world was still being shaped by Guthix. With them came Seren, a goddess of pure crystal.

The elves settled in Tirannwn, a large wooded area west of modern-day Kandarin. With the nearly impassible mountain range of Arandar to the east, the maze-like woods to the south, and the ocean to the west, the elves were safe from attackers, although they did perform a small amount of exploration in Kandarin. The elves built the city with the Elf crystal they had been given by Seren, which could be shaped by singing in a certain way. The elves themselves were divided into eight clans, which peacefully coexisted in Prifddinas. Each was given a small tower at the edge of the city. In the middle was built the Tower of Voices, where they could commune with Seren herself.

Following the God Wars of the Third Age, Seren was forced to leave Gielinor in accordance with the Edicts of Guthix. The elves could still speak with Seren in the Tower of Voices, however.

When the Fourth Age came, many of the elves travelled east, exploring the lands that are now Kandarin, Misthalin, and Asgarnia. Protected by the Cadarn Clan and led by the elven king Baxtorian, they created many settlements. They also formed ties with the humans and gnomes in the area, although they did have difficulties with Bandos followers such as the goblins and ogres to the south. Before long they had peacefully gained control of nearly all of Kandarin.

During the absence of the powerful Cadarn Clan, however, the Iorwerth Clan betrayed the elves and easily took control of Prifddinas. When conflict forced the elves beyond Arandar to return to Tirannwn, they found the city taken. All attempts to reclaim Prifddinas failed, leaving them stranded in Isafdar, where they still fight today.

In Within the Light it is revealed that the entire city has reverted into a giant crystal.

Geography and description

The macaw side view of inside shows some trees.
File:Inside Prifddinas.png
Prifddinas' inside as seen with the orb of oculus.
File:Prif exploring.png
A player abusing the noclip glitch explores the inside of Prifddinas, which is nothing but glitchy plains.

Prifddinas is currently inaccessible, and the Iorwerth Clan denies entrance to all, elf and human alike. When talking to the city guards, one option is to ask about why the elves are guarding a plain field, and they will respond that they will guard the spot where Prifdinnas once stood.. As a result, the only viewable parts of the city are its walls and outer pathways. It is speculated that the city will be opened in a future part of the elven quest series, but this theory has less evidence because of the events during Within The Light and some talks with the city guards.

Prifddinas is formed almost entirely from Elven Crystal, a substance that can be shaped by Crystal Singing. The crystal is powerful and durable, forming the city's walls and structures. There are three known entrances to the city; a large gate on the south and east sides, facing Isafdar and Arandar respectively, the eastern entrance with a hole where mourners come out and walk to the Arandar gate, and a smaller one on the north side.

In the quest Within the Light it was revealed that almost everything in the city has been reverted to Crystal seed form by the elder elves. A tunnel to the under-city is also believed to be found, but it is very unstable and is currently blocked off by many rocks.

The north-west part of the city is believed to be a seaport, although whom the elves would trade with is unknown.

If you had ever seen the splendour of the Tower of Voices refracting in the sunlight, or the air itself in every corner of our city turn to rainbows in the Spring showers, or the last rays of the evening sun turn the world to deepest shades of bloody reds you would understand that no Elf could be a criminal. We live in beauty; not this impure, unclean world that the other races grovel in.
— The Elves, Postbag from the Hedge 19<ref>Postbag 19. Postbag from the Hedge. Jagex Games Studio. 2007-05-30. (Archived from the original on 2010-04-29.)*</ref>
The woodland and path that can be found to the north of Prifddinas.

Also, at the top of Prifddinas, players can see a path out of Prifddinas into the blocked off area. If a player walks there, they will find a small unguarded gate.

It is told that the first Elves to come through the 'world gate' found a world full of beautiful woodlands and terrible beasts.

It was Seren who told the eight families that if they were to survive in this hostile environment they must form a single community for mutual protection. Seren proceeded to show them all to a clearing in the forest, where she had already created 'The Tower of Voices', a place for all Elven kind to congregate and the future home of 'The Assembly of Elders'.

Over the following days Seren imparted her idea for a new city, a city where all Elves have access to hear her words, a city where all Elves can live in peace, a living city made of the very same crystal of which she herself was made.

It was decided that the city should be set out in an octagon with eight walls and eight towers. Each of the eight clans would have its own segment of the city. Each segment would be edged on one side by a city wall with its opposing corner at the city centre, where 'The Tower of Voices' is located. This would give each of the clans equal access to hear the words of Seren and equal responsibility for the city's protection in the case of a siege. Seren then provided one special seed for every clan, telling them that each seed should be taken to the centre of each clans segment of the city. Once there, it should be planted where it will develop to form a tower. The eight clans did this and soon there were 9 great towers in the clearing, each tower was different and had formed to meet the needs of the clan that planted it.

And so, the city of Prifddinas was born.

— Taken from Prifddinas' history, Lletya bookshelves.

After the Quest Within The Light was released, a hole appeared right outside of Prifddinas' Eastern gate. There is no possible way of climbing down it, but mourners are coming out of it walking to the Arandar gate.

It is believed that it might have formed due to the collapsed underground passage to the under-city.

Current appearance in-game

What appears to be one of the 8 crystal towers.

A glitch known as the noclip glitch allowed players to get past barriers in the game, and the gates to Prifddinas were no exception. Players exploring it found that the surface terrain is mostly plain with a couple of trees, and an area not made by Jagex yet.

Currently, rabbits, pawyas and grenwalls may be seen by using remote view with a summoned macaw outside the gates.

Concept pictures

Jagex's concept art of Prifddinas shows what may be the Tower of Voices.

This picture is officially made from Jagex's Concept Art Team. It was drawn back when Prifddinas was first released the 20th September 2004 along with the quest Regicide. A very particular hint has been noticed on Prifddinas' walls concept: on the left-hand side of the picture you can spot a "crystal-like tower". It has been identified to be a possible hint of the looks of the Tower of Voices.

Similarity to light creatures cities

A picture of a hole outside of Prifddinas's east gate after Within the Light was released

Those who have asked for stories from Juna outside of Tears of Guthix may have heard of the story of the light creatures.

Myriad and beautiful were the creatures and civilisations of the early world. Gielinor was a work of art, shaped lovingly over the millennia by the creative mind of Guthix.

Only the sturdier races survived the God Wars, and even then only by abandoning high culture and gearing their societies towards war. Of the more delicate races there is now no trace, and almost no memory.

One race had such fragile bodies as snowflakes, yet built crystal cities that lasted thousands of years. The wind would whisper through the spires and fill them with sweet harmonies, and the rising sun would shine through the precious gems that studded the towers and create inner plays of light as if rainbows were dancing.

Indeed, so marvellous was this light-show that at its height that the patterns of light themselves became alive, and great flocks of luminous creatures rode along the gem-cast beams, each drawn to its own colour.

The creatures you see floating in this chasm are the last remnants of that age. I do not know how they made their way here and survived to this time, but I am grateful for their company.


Non-player characters


  • During the January 2011 RuneFest meet, Mod Mark stated that the release of the Elven City was far off in the distance, confirming that it would not be released in 2011.
  • At Runefest 2011, it was confirmed Prifddinas would be released along with the yet to be subtitled Mourning's Ends Part III.
  • Won't be released until 2014. Lead designer, Mod Mark, informs that they want to make Prifddinas very impressive and make the crystal to look great.


  • When the player talks with the elven guard, he tells you that you are not allowed in. The player then asks why, and the guard says it is closed until the "brigands" are gone. The player will then remark on why he is guarding a field, which shows that humans have little knowledge about Prifddinas.
  • There are a few NPCs inside the crystal walls of Prifddinas. On the southern entrance, there is a level 2 rabbit that can be easily seen without an Orb of occulus.
  • A hidden update revealed the entire world map, showing something that looks like a cut road at the north of Prifddinas.


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