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Floor Abbreviations

Abbreviation Floor Type
Frozen/Fr/Frz/Frzn Frozen floors
Ab1/Abd1/Abdn1 Abandoned 1 Floors
Furn Furnished floors
Ab2/Abd2/Abdn2 Abandoned 2 Floors
O/Occ Occult Floors
Warp/W Warped Floors
High Warp/HW High Warped floors (usually floors 57+)
TF Thunderous floor, floors 45-47
FF Fleshy floor, floors 42-44
A/O Abandoned 2 or Occult Floor
Abbreviation Floor Class
C1/Rush Complexity 1 Dungeon
M/Med Medium sized dungeon
L/Lrg Large Floor
F1, f2, f3, etc. Refers to floor numbers.

Refers to the amount of people still needed to start that floor. +2 would mean need 2 more people.

Common Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
gd Guardian door
gt/ggs The group gatestone. (ggs is typically only used by lower level players)
gtgd/ggsgd (and other varients) Cast group gatestone teleport, clearance of a guardian room is required.
de Dead End
denk Dead end no key
dewk Dead end with key
gdm Guardian door marked
gtd X /g8 X/gs X/gated X Gatestone dropped at X location
fg/fgt Free gate (gatestone has not been placed anywhere else)
nfg No free gate (gatestone already placed at another door)
ht/base Cast Home teleport OR used to direct team to a location using the home/base as a reference point.
mgt Move group gatestone
hgt Hold the Group gatestone
mgtb Move group gatestone to outside the boss room (be careful some players put inside but most don't)
gt *skill* /ggs *skill* Teleport to the group gatestone and open the skill door mentioned. (usually level and skill are said e.g. gt 99 con)
Rehood Breaking the line of sight for your shadow silk hood to re-enable to conceal you
gte Teleport to the group gatestone and end the floor

Monster abbreviations

Abbreviation Monster
ns Night spider
sg Soulgazer
Eddi/eddy Edimmu
Necro Necrolord
Primal Refers to a primal (T11) Forgotten warrior
Trollgazer A common term uses to refer to seekers as they are often confused with a soulgazer at first glance.

Key Door Abbreviations

Within the dungeon's the names of the different key doors are often abbreviated. To form a door abbreviation state the colour first then the shape e.g. Crimson Corner would be cco or crco.

Key door Colour Abbreviation
Crimson cr, c,crim
Gold go
Yellow y,yell
Purple p, pu
Silver s, si, sil
Green gr, grn
Orange o, or
Blue b, bl
Key door Type Abbreviation
Shield sh, s
Corner co, crn, corn
Crescent cr, cres
Wedge w, we
Diamond d, dia
Triangle t, tr, tri
Pentagon p, pent
Rectangle r, re, rec

Avoid saying "g" for colour or "c" for shape as they can be confused between the gold/green colours and corner/crescent shapes respectfully.

Puzzle door abbreviations

Descriptions of how to solve the puzzles can be found here

Abbreviation Puzzle
cf Coloured Ferrets
Fish ferret Fishing ferret
Ramo Ramokee familiars
Merc Mercenary leader
Mono monolith
Maze Toxin Maze
Frem/fremmy The Fremennik camp room
Flowers/ivy/vine Flower roots puzzle
Coloured blocks/blocks The coloured recesses puzzle
Portals Portal maze
Books Coloured Bookcases
Polt Poltergeist
Barrels The push barrel puzzle
Riddle room Enigmatic hoardstalker
Pillars Lodestone power
Construct Magical construct
Lodestones Crystal puzzle
Groves/spikes Suspicious grooves
Emotes Follow the leader
stats can refer to either the sliding statues, 10 statue weapon, or 3 statue weapon rooms.

Alternatively some puzzles such as the statue bridge/grapple tightrope are more commonly refered to only by skill levels required to complete (that the person calling lacks) e.g. gt 86 con. Some puzzles which use the same name within the dungeons have been omitted e.g. Pondskaters.

Boss abbreviations

Abbreviation Bosses name
Bulwark Bulwark beast
Rune/runebound Runebound behemoth
Hope/Hop dev Hope devourer
Night/Night gaze Night-gazer Khighorahk
Shadow/Shadow forg Shadow-Forger Ihlakhizan
Flesh/fleshy Flesh-Spoiler Haasghenahk
World/world gorg World-Gorger Shukarhazh
Ballak/pumm/pummeler Bal'lak the Pummeller
Thundy Yk'Lagor the Thunderous
Kal/Kalger Kal'Ger the Warmonger
Astea Astea Frostweb
Hob Geo Hobgoblin Geomancer
Lex Lexicus Runewright
Necro Necrolord (note necro can also refer to the necromancers)
Curse Unholy Cursebearer
Trio Skeletal trio
Dread Dreadnaut
Ram/Ramma Rammernaut Hoskins
Saggy Sagittare Bolton
Warped gulg Warped Gulega


While Dungeoneering, directional indicators can be used, such as "altar 2w1n of ht" which would indicate there is an altar 2 rooms West and 1 North of the Base/Home Teleport. You can use the compass near the minimap to navigate using these directions.

Abbreviation Direction
N North
S South
E East
W West
NE North-East
SE South-East
SW South-West
NW North-West


Abbreviation Meaning
Kata Katagon
Gorg Gorgonite (can also refer to a Gorgonite forgotten warrior)
Prom, Prome Promethium (can also refer to a Promethium forgotten warrior)
Zeph, Zeppy Zephyrium, typically referred to as a material for making an altar
Bovi Most Typically refers to Bovistrangler branches, but can also refer to any items name using the branches.
ssh Shadow Silk Hood (can also be the silver shield key)
T1, T2, etc. Referring to Class Rings or Resources, saying they are "Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, etc

Suicide/Leech. This means the host 'Suicide Keys' and there is one leecher on the team. These teams are generally very fast, expect Large dungeons in 20 minutes or less.