Light creature

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Light creature
File:Light creature.png
Release date 4 May 2005 (Update)
Race Light creature
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Tears of Guthix
Location Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Sells items? No
Gender None
Examine A shimmering creature of blue light.

That one is carrying someone! (When carrying a player)

Notable features Last remnants of an ancient race

Light creatures are found near Juna in a chasm within the Lumbridge Swamp Caves. They are used to get across the chasm by using a Sapphire Bullseye lantern on them during the Tears of Guthix quest. Players cannot interact with them to ride them, but rather they must use a Sapphire lantern on one of the creatures to attract it. Players will then have the option of going across the chasm (for the Tears of Guthix quest) or into the chasm (for While Guthix Sleeps, and afterwards to kill Tormented demons).

The light creatures are the last remnants of a delicate race, who were favoured by Guthix but were wiped out in the God Wars.

Myriad and beautiful were the creatures and civilizations of the early ages of the world. Gielinor was a work of art, shaped lovingly over the millennia by the creative mind of Guthix. Only the sturdiest races survived the Godwars, and even then only by abandoning their high culture and gearing their societies towards war. Of the more delicate races there is now no trace, and almost no memory. One such race had bodies as fragile as snowflakes, yet they built crystal cities that stood for a thousand years. The wind would whisper through the spires and fill them with sweet harmonies, and the rising sun would shine through the precious gems that studded the towers and create inter plays of light as if rainbows were dancing. Indeed, so marvelous was this light-show that the patterns of light themselves became alive, and great flocks of luminous creatures rode along the gem cast beams, each drawn to its own colour. The creatures you see floating in this chasm are the last sorry remnants of that age. I do not know how they made their way here and survived to this time, but I am grateful for their company.
— Juna

nl:Light creature

fi:Light creature

Light transport
Being sucked into the creature.


  • As mentioned in the Official RuneScape Behind the Scenes (No. 24) Video, the Tears of Guthix (D&D) was updated alongside the Tears of Guthix cavern and its inhabitants.
The concept art for the upcoming graphical update.