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Layte Aubury
Release date 4 January 2001 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? Yes - Rune Mysteries
Location Varrock
Sells items? Yes - Runes
Gender Male
Examine Runes are his passion.
Notable features Used to sell the Runecrafting Cape of Achievement.
File:Aubury's Rune Shop location.png
Layte Aubury
Layte Aubury

Layte Aubury is the owner of the Aubury's Rune Shop in Varrock. He features heavily in the Rune Mysteries quest. He stocks many free-to-play runes, including Chaos runes and Death runes. Players can also ask him to be teleported to the Rune Essence mines, even if they have not completed Rune Mysteries. When he teleports players, he utters Senventior Disthine Molenko! A friend of the Magic Tutor and a close associate with the Head Wizard Sedridor of the Wizards' Tower, it was Aubury who researched the secrets of Runecrafting so extensively he discovered the teleportation spell to the mine, and is capable of wielding magic for certain spells, such as Tele-othering players to magically closed mines in the northern Ice fields, as well as, through the use of "a couple of runes", instantly teleport others just outside of the Wizards' Tower, saying the spell, Sparanti morudo calmentor! but only once in the quest Rune Mysteries.

Aubury teleporting a player to the Rune Essence Mines

During the Rogue Trader activity, players will ask Aubury to supply Ali Morrisane with runes, and Aubury will agree. After the completion of Rogue Trader, players might get cheaper runes from Ali Morrisane, provided they are able to solve a puzzle.

As of 2 September 2009, with the personal shop update, Aubury now offers 30 free air and mind runes if the player trades him, much like his friend Mikasi of Lumbridge, though the player can claim the runes from both without waiting for many minutes. The runes restock when bought, but rather slowly, at least half an hour's time to fully restock. The runes will not be restocked until the period of time has passed, even if you should change into another world, though your log-out time does count for this restocking period. After the September 2009 update, Mikasi no longer gives out any jobs or runes, but she has heard of Aubury's free samples and suggests that the player go there to seek such supplies.

On 4 April 2011, Larriar replaced Aubury as the Runecrafting cape seller, and so Aubury does not wear the cape anymore.

2011 Christmas Event

Aubury also attended the 2011 Christmas Event Banquet. Zimberfizz is to the right of him and Wizard Shug is to the left two seats down across an empty seat.


  • If you ask Aubury, at the 2011 Christmas event banquet, how his shop has been doing, he will say that "It is a lot quieter these days" and "Teleporting people to the rune essence that many times in a day gets tiring". This is a reference to the recent bot nuke.

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