King Raddallin

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King Raddallin
Release date Not released in-game
Race Human
Members NPC? N/A
Quest NPC? N/A
Location N/A
Sells items? N/A
Gender Male
Examine N/A
Notable features Founder of the kingdom of Asgarnia

King Raddallin was the first King of Asgarnia, a human nation that was founded late in the Fourth Age.


Falador, capital of Asgarnia

King Raddallin is reported to have united many of the free fiefs and tribes in the area under his banner, and made the leaders of several different towns swear allegiance to him and, more importantly, his god, Saradomin, who has always played a large part in the history of Asgarnia.

King Raddallin sought then to make a capital city for his kingdom, and for this he enlisted the help of two powerful political tribes of the area, the White Knights and the Kinshra, colloquially known as Black Knights. These two sects aided in the construction of Falador, the white city that Raddallin made his home in, during the early years of the Fifth Age. King Raddallin, to show his appreciation for the help of the two tribes, constructed bases for them both, having a fortress erected in the name of the Kinshra, and a mighty castle built in the centre of Falador for the White Knights.

The Black Knights, however, grew angry that Raddallin appeared to favour the White Knights by building their castle in the centre of Falador. Some believe he may have done this because the White Knights were a devout Saradominist sect, whereas the Kinshra are famously Zamorakian by oath. Since the construction of the White Knights' Castle, a bitter rivalry has appeared between the two factions, and, though Raddallin was able to keep them under control while he lived, his untimely death and the succession of his son King Vallance, allowed rivalry and unrest to grow. When Vallance grew old and fell ill, central authority weakened and the rivalry took a turn for the worst when Sir Amik Varze, the leader of the White Knights in year 162 of the Fifth Age, took advantage of the ill king and declared that the Kinshra were to have no power in Asgarnia.

The subsequent cold-war that followed lasted only a year until the Black Knights launched an invasion, climaxing at the Siege of Falador in year 164. The invasion was a failure and Falador was victorious, but conflicts with the Black Knights continued for many years, and do so to this day.

Preceded by Title Succeeded by
None, rulership established (since late Fourth Age) Leader of Asgarnia King Vallance

See also

nl:King Raddallin