Khorvak, a dwarven engineer

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Khorvak, a dwarven engineer
Release date 21 March 2005 (Update)
Race Dwarf
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Yes - Between a Rock...
Location Under White Wolf Mountain
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine The little guy is having trouble stand up right.
Notable features Dwarven engineer

Khorvak is a dwarven engineer with the on-click name shown as "Khorvak, a dwarven engineer". He is found in the tunnel under White Wolf Mountain. He's inside the bar and stumbling around with a glass in his hand. Khorvak plays a small role in both the Between a Rock... and the Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf quests. There is a glitch when playing with bloom mode on. His beer glass shines extremely brightly to the point where it is glowing white.