Shortcut keys

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Shortcut keys are keys assigned to perform specific tasks quickly in place of mouse clicks or a longer series of keystrokes. The following keys or key combinations are assigned the following functions in the Runescape user Interface.

The "F" keys are found at the top of most 101 key keyboards, and are numbered F1 through F12

Key Function
F1 Switch to the Inventory (backpack) Menu in the lower right Game control window.
F2 Switch to the Worn Equipment Menu in the lower right Game control window.
F3 Switch to the Prayer Menu in the lower right Game control window.
F4 Switch to the current Spellbook or Summoning screen in the lower right Game control window.
F5 Switch to the Attack Style Menu in the lower right Game control window.
F9 Answer to a quick Chat phrase or question said by another player.
F10 Quick chat (area specific) options display in the game message box below the main screen.
F11 Repeat last quick chat dialogue.
Ctrl When held down and the mouse is clicked on the main screen or in the Minimap window, Run is turned on for that movement only.
Esc Close the quick chat dialogue box and return to the regular game messages.
Alt-F4 Close browser window. (This is browser/OS command, though, not a Runescape hot key.)
Tab Reply to last private message.

NOTE: <ALT-F4>, <CTRL-F4>, <ALT-ESC> and <CTRL-W> immediately log you off Runescape, even if your character was in combat. The combat continues, and if the monster dies any monster drops with a low enough price are immediately available to other nearby players.

If you die from the combat, you drop all your items under a gravestone, based on the rules for items carried and for your current location, and when you will log back in you will be at your respawn point. An update has made it so that gravestones will not disappear when you log out, however the timer will still run.

Otherwise, you will log back in to the location where you were standing when you logged off using <ALT-F4>, <CTRL-F4>, <ALT-ESC> or <CTRL-W>.