Hairstyles are a means of personalizing a character's appearance. They are chosen when first starting the game, but players may visit the hairdresser in Falador to change their hairstyle for free after completing the tutorial.
Hairstyles come in a variety of different looks, each differing based on whether the character is male or female. Players can choose from a variety of styles and facial hair to exhibit on their character.
Hairstyles are also available in a variety of colours. The colour affects the player's hair, facial hair and eyebrows. It also determines the colour of the edges of the buckle of Fighting boots (when worn).
Each hairstyle has a counterpart which is visible when wearing any type of Headband (Although these variants will only show up on chatheads and forum avatars).
Note - When receiving a new hairstyle, a player must have nothing at headgear, cape, and both of hand slots. Also note that female characters do not have the option for facial hair.
Hairstyle Interface

To open the interface speak with the hairdresser or use the right-click method and select Hair-Cut Hairdresser. This will open the hairstyle interface with which players will use to change and select their new hairstyles. The top left corner is where players can select which type of feature they would like to style, their hair or facial hair. Below this is a list of the available styles of each feature. Clicking on the name of the style will create a preview below. In the centre of the interface is the player's profile and further more to the right, the available colours for the hairstyles.
The available colours are as follows (left to right): burgundy, red, vermilion, pink, orange, yellow, peach, brown, dark brown, light brown, mint green, green, dark green, dark blue, turquoise, cyan, purple, violet, indigo, dark grey, military grey, white, light grey, taupe, black.
Below the panel of colours are coins and a hand which will display the current price of the makeover when the cursor is hovering over it. To confirm a purchase, click this icon.
Available styles
This section contains galleries of available hairstyles along with their names in RuneScape.
- Male hairstyles
Dragon variant
Liberty Spikes
Long Curtains
Long hair
Long swept fringe
Medium Hair
Mohawk shaved
Ponytail spikey
Side-part Spike
Top Knot
Warrior Curtains
Wind Braids
Wild Spikes
- Male facial hairstyles
Clean Shaven
Full Moustache
Full Mutton
Half Goatee
Long Beard
Medium Beard
Short Beard
Short Full
Split Beard
- Female hairstyles
Alice Band
Asymmetric fringe
Bun with Fringe
Close Cropped
Four Ponies
French Twist
High Ponytail
Layered Flip
Long Braids
Long Hair with Fringe
Page boy
Pinned Bun
Pinned Up
Ponytail Spiked
Pigtails with Fringe
Ring Braids
Side-Part Long
Side Ponytail
Top knot
Two Buns and Fringe
- The "Goatee" includes a moustache with the connecting beard (surrounding the mouth) - this is more technically a Van Dyke or a Circle Beard. A true Goatee refers to hair only on the chin, thus resembling the tuft of hair that grows on the chin of goats (from which it got its name).
- The "Dali" references Salvador Dalí, who sported that moustache in his later years.
- The "Mohawk" is actually a Fauxhawk, with the "Mohawk shaved" variant being closer to a true Mohawk.
- The "Page Boy" hairstyle was actually accessible before the new update. New players could keep selecting "Random Hairstyle" from the create a character screen until they got the hair style.
- The facial hair style that is referred to as the "Full Moustache" in RuneScape is, in reality, called the "Friendly Mutton Chops" style.
- The "Dragon" hairstyle is very similar to that of a Super Saiyan's hair from Dragonball Z & Dragonball GT. The "Dragon Variant" hairstyle however is also similar to a Super Saiyan 4's hairstyle (resembling Gogeta's more closely) from Dragonball GT.
- The "Dreadlock" style is common amongst Combat pures for an unknown reason. The hairstyle is also associated with an uncommon hair colour, such as blue, green, or pink.
- The "Evanstyle" references the popular hair studio Evanstyle in South Korea.
- The female version of the "Top Knot" hairstyle is similar (if not identical) to Ty Lee's hair from the Avatar: the Last Airbender series.
- Some hairstyles become cropped after a game of Stealing Creation, a glitch probably caused when a player is still wearing their headgear at game end. This glitch has yet to be fixed.
- Some free-to-play players disagree with the monk hairstyle because the only monks that can be interacted with (i.e. killing, healing, talking) are in the Monastery near Edgeville. These monks have the bald hairstyle.
- On 13 August 2007 new hairstyles were added to the game. On the first week of its release, players could change their beard or hair for free.
- On 9 December 2008 even more new hairstyles - 12 female, 8 male, and 4 facial hair, were added to the game. On the first week of its release, players could change their beard or hair for free.
- On 10 December 2008 Jagex performed a system update to fix some graphical glitches with the new hairstyles, including one that was caused by the pigtail style and would make a female character's head rock back and forth continuously.
- On 28 April 2009 more hairstyles were added to the game, including the popular request for fringes on females.
- On 9 November 2009 seven more hairstyles were added to the game. The update also temporarily introduced a glitch that allowed a player to see other players while they were getting their hairstyle changed. It still remains active.
- On 5 July 2010, when a player was in the hairstyle preview at the Salon, if the character had dreadlocks, a clear ring would be around the middle of the face, making it look like their head was in halves. The eyes would also be white with a black dot in the middle instead of the usual black dot. This can be fixed by equipping a head gear item though it would come back by taking the equipped item off or by logging out.
- On 25 August 2010 new hairstyles were added, with 2 male hairstyles ("Punk" and "Samurai Variant") and 3 female hairstyles ("Alice Band," "Side Part Long," and "High Ponytail"). On the first week of its release, players could change their beard or hair for free.
- There still is a glitch in the game known as the "Bald glitch." When players rapidly equip and unequip headgear they may become bald. This does not affect gameplay, but can be annoying and will not fix itself.
- There is currently and for a long time, a glitch with the female curls hair where the eyes look bigger and more distorted than any other hair.
- The shop assistant and the shopkeeper in the Lumbridge general store seems to have hair styles similar to the long swept fringe but swept the other way. This hair style is not avaliable in the Salon or most likely not obtainable in the entire game.