Asgarnian Ice Dungeon resource dungeon

The Asgarnian Ice Dungeon resource dungeon is located inside the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, in the area between the hobgoblins and the ice warriors. The player will be granted 15000 Dungeoneering experience upon first entrance to the dungeon, this requires level 85 Dungeoneering. Players cannot cast high or low alchemy in the dungeon.
This Resource dungeon is only available to Members.
Getting there
Fairy ring code "AIQ" is the quickest method of getting to the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon. Players could also use the Cabbage teleport from Explorer's Ring 3 or 4 and run south or teleport to Port Sarim using lodestone. A Teleport to House will also work if it is located in Rimmington. The Port Sarim Lodestone can also work, as this negates the use of using a Explorer's Ring 3 or 4 if players do not mind going to another bank, or the Call to Arms scroll used by the Void familiars.
Inside the resource dungeon
Inside is an icy cavern that contains 12 Frost dragons, which players often kill for their valuable drops and most notably, Frost dragon bones. This is not a Multi-combat area. Players may find it useful to use a Dwarf multi-cannon and use Protect from Magic from behind it. Due to the 17th October 2011 update, players will also need to use Protect from Missiles, if they should Range them.
A hidden Anti-Bot update on 1st August 2012 made it so whenever you leave the cave your Dwarf multi-cannon will be destroyed and you must reclaim it.
Frost Dragons
This place is the one and only location where Frost dragons can be found outside of Daemonheim. When first introduced to the game players found they were making around 5M gp per hour. Being a 100% drop, Frost dragon bones have dropped significantly in price; however, they are still good for making money and currently sell for around Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". each.