Canal barge

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Remember: The RuneScape Wiki is not a crystal ball.

The Canal Barge is a small ship currently being built north of the massive Digsite east of Varrock. The barge has been under construction since the improvements made to the Varrock Museum, and will eventually take players to a mysterious island (known as 'Fossil Island' amongst Jagex) north of Morytania.

The barge, when complete, will require 100 kudos to access.


The barge is one of the Varrock Museum's current projects. According to Curator Haig Halen, the idea for the barge surfaced shortly after the discovery of a previously uncharted island north of the swampy region of Morytania.

According to Lead archaeologist Abigail, a field operative of the museum, the organization's funds were already thinning when the idea was approved. Having recently received a massive donation from the government of Varrock, the museum was already in the middle of several projects, including an excavation of the Senntisten/Saranthium ruins in eastern Misthalin and a total revamp of the museum itself.

Some of the museum's last money went into the construction of the barge, which will eventually lead to what has been dubbed by many as "Kudos Island". The island, which has been left untouched since the God Wars, is said to be littered with the remains of long-dead species. According to Jagex, it is also where one of the Dragonkin is.<ref></ref>


The barge is still in a somewhat early stage of development, despite the large amount of attention it has received. When finished, a small canal will be dug to the River Salve, the border between Misthalin and Morytania. From here the water-filled canal will allow the barge to travel north up the Salve, where it will eventually arrive on the island.

Current Events

According to Curator Haig Halen, the barge has not been completed as:

  • Version 1.0 of the barge had some serious design flaws (it didn't float).
  • Version 2.0 suffered from 'feature creep'. Senior museum staff stuck their oar in (ho-hum) and added unnecessary features: 'go-faster stripes', a portable fossil centrifuge and a walk-on mini-museum. Needless to say, it had buoyancy issues.
  • Version 3.0 used a special sealant that attracted sea monsters.
  • Version 4.0 used a special sealant that attracted icebergs.
  • Version 5.0 crashed into Version 6.0.
  • We lost Version 7.0.
  • Version 8.0 is still here, we think. But, thanks to an accident involving a magical explosion and some talking anchovies, it now resides 12 seconds out of phase.
  • Version 9.0 was built with magic logs and gained some form of rudimentary sentience. It developed serious depression and ran itself aground near Crandor.



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