Loom (Clan Citadels)

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Using the loom

The Loom is a crafting plot in a Clan Citadel that allows you to gain the resource Cloth. A Tier 5 or higher citadel is required to build it.

You can collect cloth for your clan's resource pool by interacting with the loom. The loom will have a batch of cotton upon it that you can turn into cloth. You must use all of the cotton on each loom before the cloth automatically replenishes.

By increasing the tier of your skilling plot, you may find that more looms are added to your skill plot.

A tip for using the loom is to watch the spinning rolls of thread at the top of the loom tower. Once they stop spinning, players may start another action on the loom.

Tier Upkeep Upgrade
Timber Stone Metal bars Precious bars Cloth Rations Timber Stone Metal bars Precious bars Cloth Rations
1 40 80 30 160 300 120
2 50 100 40 250 450 180
3 50 100 30 10 30 250 500 150 50 150
4 90 130 50 15 40 600 800 300 100 250
5 100 140 50 15 50 650 900 350 100 350
6 130 60 40 30 90 125 1000 500 300 200 600 900
7 100 100 50 70 200 260 1000 1000 500 700 2000 2600