Zanaris choir

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Zanaris choir
Release date 27 February 2002 (Update)
Race Humans
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? No
Location Anywhere in the Lost City of Zanaris.
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine They're going to sing to you!
Notable features One of the things that randomly pop-up in Zanaris.

The Zanaris choir is one of the strange events that occur only while visiting the Lost City of Zanaris. They work like regular Random events, but their purpose is not to stop macroers.

Although their dialogs flash quickly, one can sometimes catch things like, "Where are you going? Can we come too?", "Do you always resort to violence so quickly?" and "are you going crafting cosmic runes?", this indicates they are aware of the presence of the cosmic rune altar to the south of Zanaris.


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