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This article is about the Adventurer killed and eaten by Burntmeat. For the Temple Trekking individual, see Adventurer (Temple Trekking).
This article is about the adventurer killed by Burntmeat during My Arm's Big Adventure. For the player in general, see Account.
Release date 23 October 2006 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Yes - My Arm's Big Adventure
Location Troll Strongholds Kitchen
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine He's in a pretty nasty spot, in a pretty nasty pot. With some cabbage.
Notable features He is about to be boiled alive in a large cauldron.

The Adventurer is a young man who is interrogated and later boiled alive in a cauldron within the Troll Strongholds Kitchen by the chief Troll Cook Burntmeat during the first cutscene in the My Arm's Big Adventure quest. He is then later eaten by Burntmeat; however this is not witnessed in the cutscene as it finishes as Burntmeat goes to light the fire under the cauldron to begin cooking the Adventurer after learning about the origin of the goutweed he had on him.

The player learns about the fate of the Adventurer when speaking to Burntmeat at the beginning of My Arm's Big Adventure. Burntmeat requests help from the player to grow Goutweed, The player questions Burntmeat because they thought it was impossible to grow as the Trolls had harvested it all. Burntmeat tells the player about the Adventurer because Burntmeat discovered that Goutweed could be farmed whilst interrogating the captive Adventurer.

The Adventurer was captured, cooked and eaten sometime between the end of Eadgar's Ruse and the beginning of My Arm's Big Adventure, the actual time when it happened is not specified by Burntmeat only that he found out about Goutweed being grow-able sometime after the end of Eadgar's Ruse.

The cutscene begins with the Adventurer detained in the cauldron and begging for his release. This makes it likely that the Adventurer was unconscious when he was placed in the cauldron and has only just awoken. He was also washed but this is not witnessed during the cutscene so the Adventurer was most likely unconscious. It is unknown if he was held in the prison before arriving at the kitchen, where he was stripped, washed, bound and put into the cauldron.

The Adventurer was captured by unknown means, most likely he was captured while exploring the Troll Stronghold. He was stripped of his armour and clothes and before he was added to the cauldron Burntmeat washed him to avoid the Adventurers sweat from contaminating the stew in the cauldron. (However Burntmeat did forget to wash the Adventurers bare feet, this led to Burntmeat getting food poisoning after he ate the stewed Adventurer) After he was washed he was placed in the cooking pot in the centre of the kitchen. Burntmeat is the only Troll currently in the kitchen, the other three cooks are not currently present and it is not known where they are during the cutscene (perhaps Burntmeat likes privacy when he gets the chance to cook a human).

All of the Adventurers possessions (Dragon chainbody, Dragon platelegs, Dragon medium helmet, Abyssal whip, a Shark, and some Coins) were strewn over the floor in-front of the cooking pot where he was detained, his clothing appeared to have been already discarded as the Adventurer seems to be nude inside the cauldron (It would make little sense to cook his clothes). The Adventurer told Burntmeat he is welcome to all his possessions if he was released, however Burntmeat refuses as armour and weapons don't taste as good as humans.

It is not made clear how the Adventurer was detained in the cauldron. His hands were seen to be visibly free and clutching the rim of the cooking pot however his legs may have been tied beneath him preventing him from standing and escaping.

Burntmeat discovered Goutweed in the Adventurer's Dragon platelegs when he kicked them across the room when walking towards the cauldron, Burntmeat demanded to know where it came from claiming that the Adventurer had stolen it from him. The Adventurer repeatedly told Burntmeat that he grew the Goutweed however Burntmeat claimed that he was lying as Burntmeat believed it was impossible to grow as trolls had already picked it all.

The Adventurer hoped that by telling Burntmeat where he got the Goutweed from he will then be released, the Adventurer tells Burntmeat that he got it by planting a Goutweed-tuber in a farming patch in Tai Bwo Wannai village after speaking to Murcaily. However this plan backfired as Burntmeat believed the Adventurer but decided to carry on cooking him regardless after learning this information. The Adventurer cried out but was cut short by Burntmeat, the cutscene camera paned left to the wall as the clip ends. It is presumed that Burntmeat then started a fire to heat the cauldron and stirred the soup as the Adventurer slowly boiled to death, the Adventurer was then eaten after he finished cooking, as the cutscene ends here it is not known whether he was eaten by just Burntmeat or if he was shared out with the other trolls inside of the Troll Stronghold.

However unfortunately for Burntmeat the Adventurer stew gave him a stomachache, Burntmeat forgot to wash the Adventurers bare feet before placing him in the cauldron with the other ingredients (Cabbage). After Burntmeat ate the boiled Adventurer he got a stomach ache from the late Adventurers feet (Presumably caused by his sweat). However Burntmeat blames the Adventurer for giving him indigestion and therefore he deserved to be eaten, rather than blaming his own observation and cooking skills.

Burntmeat then realises that Goutweed can be grown again and informs the player that his assistant, My Arm, will need help growing it.

The player is disgusted when they learn that Burntmeat ate the Adventurer, and they only agree to help Burntmeat when he tells them he will never cook another human again if he learns how to farm Goutweed. When the player demands to know why the Adventurer deserved to be eaten, Burntmeat claims the fact that he got a stomachache from the Adventurers unwashed feet was a justifiable enough reason for eating him, despite the fact that he would have had to eat the Adventurer before he could have given Burntmeat a stomach ache and that Burntmeat would be to blame for not scrubbing the Adventurers feet before cooking him.

The player asks about the Adventurer's items as a possible reward for helping Burntmeat cultivate Goutweed, to which Burntmeat replies that he has thrown them away, as they were no good for eating (the dragon armour and coins were hard on his teeth and the abyssal whip got stuck down his throat). He even throws away the shark, despite that being edible.

File:My Arm cooking pot.png
The Adventurer tries to plead with Burntmeat.


  • Burntmeat states that he forgot to wash the Adventurer's feet, however there is no obvious place inside the Troll Stronghold (area) where Burntmeat could have washed his captive; there are no Buckets or Sinks inside of the Stronghold, nor are there any obvious water sources.
  • If players examine the Cauldron that the Adventurer is in, they will get a different description than if you examined it normally in the Stronghold kitchen.
  • Unlike most other NPCs, the Adventurer's chat head is above the cauldron with his hands clasping the rim. Most NPCs in similar scenarios never have objects they're in or near visible in the chat head, however Ana's chathead is showing clearly that she's trapped in the barrel.
  • If the player repeatedly clicks on the Adventurer's items during the cutscene it is prematurely ended, Burntmeat complains that you aren't listening to him and stops talking to you. The player then has to start up a conversation with Burntmeat again to get him to continue telling the story.
  • If the player asks Burntmeat for the Adventurers items as a reward, Burntmeat will tell you that he threw them away as they weren't edible. If you have done the Swan Song quest before My Arm's Big Adventure, your character replies, "You're worse than that old man who wouldn't give me his hat!" This response pertains to the many rants during Swan Song where your character begs the Wise Old Man for his blue partyhat.
  • The Adventurer was probably the last human to be cooked by Burntmeat, as one of the players conditions for helping Burntmeat in My Arm's Big Adventure is that he will never cook a human again. However Burntmeat didn't specify that he would stop eating humans so many more could follow the Adventurer's fate. (Just eaten raw rather than boiled alive)
  • Before the HD graphical update the Adventurer had no visible thumbs on either of his hands in the close up shots of him talking, however since the high detail update they can be seen.
  • After Burntmeat tricks the Adventurer and begins walking towards him to start cooking him at the end of the cutscene, the Adventurer yells out "Oh B..." it is likely this is meant to be a swear cut off by the end of the cutscene as a joke by Jagex.
  • When the Adventurer begs for his release informing Burntmeat he is welcome to his armour, clothing and weapons, Burntmeat refuses because they would hurt his teeth. Yet after eating the Adventurer Burntmeat attempted to eat them anyway and threw them away as a result of them not being edible.
  • During the transition to high detail mode, viewing the cut-scene in standard detail would result in the Adventurer not having a chat head, most likely as it had not been animated featuring the cauldron rim.
  • The Adventurer is referred to in the Quest log as a man cooked by Burntmeat and that the player may save countless more humans from Burntmeat's cooking pot as their incentive to do the quest.
