Clan avatar

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The default form of a Clan Avatar

The Clan Avatar is a members-only customisable reward available for clans. It was first announced in the 2012 August Behind the Scenes. The avatar is made out of elemental forces, providing boosts, buffs and protection to clan mates while summoned.

Avatar Habitat

In order to use the clan avatar around the surface world, an Avatar habitat must be built for it, which come in basic, medium, and grand forms. The resource requirements for the habitats are:

  • Basic - Tier 1 Citadel, 3000 timber
  • Medium - Tier 4 Citadel, 30,000 timber, 30,000 precious bars
  • Grand - Tier 7 Citadel, 30,000 timber, 30,000 precious bars, 30,000 rations

If the Citadel becomes dilapidated, the Avatar will not be accessible.


The customization screen

The avatar displays a clan's logo and colours automatically, but the appearance of the avatar can be changed manually. Changing the appearance of the avatar doesn't cost anything and can be done at any time, as long as the avatar is present in its habitat. If a clan has more than one avatar, they can be customised individually.

Each of the nine parts of an avatar may incorporate any of the four elements—nature, water, lava or magic. The avatar requires the head, as well as the upper and lower body, while the other parts are removable.

Avatar Warden

A player summoning a Clan Avatar.

To use a clan avatar, a clan owner needs to assign the Avatar Warden job to a clan member with a rank of Administrator or higher, through Clan settings, under Clanmates. In order for the warden to summon an avatar, they must go to the habitat within their citadel and interact with the avatar they wish to use. The warden may then summon and choose a buff for the avatar, without having to pay 300 Anagogic orts. The avatar, upon selection for use and confirming which buff to use, acts as a follower for the warden and occupies the Summoning slot. Only one avatar of the same clan can be summoned in one world, however you can have multiple avatars summoned in your citadel (e.g.: to have 6% skill bonus on two skill plots you can use 2 avatars with skilling bonus active). If a clan wants to summon another avatar, they first need to dismiss the summoned avatar, or wait until the avatar has expired, which takes 6 hours. If dismissed, it instantly returns to the habitat.

In addition to being an Avatar Warden, a clan owner must set permissions in the clan settings to be able to remove the habitat, fill buff slots and customise the avatar.


File:Clan Avatar with Buff Activated.png
A clan avatar with a buff activated.

Buffs may be added to avatars by the Avatar Warden by interacting with the avatar in its habitat and selecting Fill buff slots for this avatar. Depending on the habitat tier, a clan can add up to 3 buffs to one avatar.

Important note: If the Avatar Warden wishes to remove or change the buff options that had been added to an avatar, the avatar habitat needs to be removed and rebuilt.

The Avatar Buff Select interface.

If a clan avatar is summoned, it can only have one active buff at a time. As such, if you want to use a different buff of the avatar, you simply need to dismiss it and summon it again with the other buff loaded. When a buff is active, a specific symbol spirals around the avatar. Players under the effect of the buff also have a glowing symbol appear near their feet every few minutes.

The range of the buff is a 22 by 22 square area centred on the avatar.

Buff Icon Effect
Heal Over Time Heals clan members in range of the avatar for 2% of their maximum lifepoints every five seconds. Note that for a player with level 34 or higher Constitution, this buff heals at a faster rate than a Bunyip familiar.
Familiar Faces Doubles the familiar's timer when summoning one in range of the avatar. Entering the area of effect with a summoned familiar, or summoning a creature within the area of effect, will double the time for which they can be active. The effect is lost if you leave the area of effect.
Auto Ort The avatar adds dropped/skilled Anagogic orts straight into your inventory when collected in range of the avatar.
Skill Plot Bonus 10% more resources per minute from skilling in the citadel; this does not increase the cap for the individual, but instead increases the rate of resources produced. Note that XP gained per minute does not change, so after reaching your cap you will have received ~9.1% less XP!
Skilling Bonus 3% more xp for skilling on the same world as the avatar and 6% more xp for skilling in range of the avatar.
Random Resurrection Resurrects a player. This can only be done to each player once a day and for a limited amount of total times per day depending on the citadel tier.
Protector The avatar takes some of the damage dealt to a clan member in range of the avatar.

Skilling Bonus

The Avatar Skilling Buff works with the following:

A player receiving the Clan Avatar's skilling buff.

The Avatar Skilling Buff does NOT work with the following:

Anagogic orts

Main article: Anagogic Ort

In order to access the benefits of clan avatars, clan members have to gather anagogic orts, which may be found skilling (both in the citadel and on the surface) and from combat on the surface. Through paying the clan avatar 300 anagogic orts, a clan member receives access to any of the set buffs for one week. There is currently a cap which allows a maximum of 200 anagogic orts to be collected daily.

While in combat, mainly summoned with the Protector buff, it is possible to heal the clan avatar by paying it 30 anagogic orts. Additionally, while engaged in player killing situations, the avatar may also be attacked, and therefore able to be healed.

Clan Citadel

The Clan Avatar's Follower Details interface, displaying lifepoints, current buff and resources gathered.

Clan avatars can also collect in the Citadel while summoned. To do this Interact with it and then select the Gather resources option. They collect whichever resource the Avatar Warden assigns to it, at roughly 26 resources per 45 seconds. Each Clan Avatar also has a resource cap, the same amount as clan members for the clan's Citadel (e.g. 2000 for Tier 5 storehouse, 2350 for Tier 6, and so on). On the Avatar's Follower Details screen, you can see its lifepoints, current buff, and which resource it is gathering.

If the resource to gather is changed on the avatar, however, it is possible that the "Resource Gathering" area of the Follower Details might "glitch" and not update with the correct amount of resources collected or what type of resource. To fix this, the Avatar Warden may simply dismiss and re-summon the Clan Avatar and the information should update.


The clan avatar is considered a follower which means when the clan avatar is summoned, you cannot summon another follower. Similarly, if you already have a follower summoned when you try to summon the clan avatar, you will be told you already have a follower. You will have to dismiss the first follower before you can summon the clan avatar.

Since clan avatars are familiars, they may not be taken to locations where typical followers are not allowed. However, there are some differences between a clan avatar and a typical familiar because there are additional locations that they can not be taken. For example, typical followers ARE allowed in the following areas, but clan avatars are NOT allowed:



  • If you try to bring the Clan Avatar into the Tears of Guthix minigame, Juna, the guardian, prevents you and says "I will not allow that creation of Armadyl into this cave".
  • If you attempt to take the Clan Avatar into the Fish Flingers Competition, you will not be able and the Fisherman will simply say,"Umm, sorry but you can't take that, erm, floaty thing with you..."